Legal Resources


The changing demographics of motorcycle riders

It's very interesting to note some of the shifts in motorcycle ownership over the years. They show how the demographics are changing and help to illustrate what types of riders you can expect to see on the road.


Crystal Lake man killed in motorcycle collision

Motorcycles are one of the great classic ways to ply the roads of America, with the convenience of a smaller and more efficient vehicle as well as the thrill of speed. Illinois, with its population centers and massive road system, plays host to thousands of resident bikers and many more visitors who prefer to see the gateway to the Midwest from behind handlebars.


Do I have to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle?

DuPage County residents make personal decisions about the safety gear they wear while riding bicycles or motorcycles. Illinois is one of just three states with no universal or partial law requiring bicyclists or motorcyclists of any age to wear helmets.